Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My DIY To Do List

There are just way to many things that I want to do! From blankets to clothes, carseat covers to baby slings and so many other things. So here are some ideas I thought were awesome that way you can make them and let me know how it came out!

DIY Baby Wrap
I have an evenflo baby carrier that a bought for 30 bucks and have used it once. It just feels thick and bulky and uncomfortable. This one seems very light weight and easy to make. Click below to see the tutorial from A Load of Craft.

You can find this tutorial here 

DIY Burp Cloths
I can never have enough burp cloths. As soon as a I grab one, it's time for another. This tutorial is amazing and I can wait to start making my own.


DIY Carseat Canopy
A light blanket would never do for this. I refuse to use one, I have to have a canopy. Plus, it's super adorable.

 DIY Funhouse
So this is something that my son will definitely have when he gets old enough. It is just so creative and awesome.

I hope you enjoy making these and please share your experience with any of the tutorials posted on this blog.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Amazing Products.

So, I decided to do a post about the things that have made being a mommy a little easier. These are items that I think no mother should go with out and quite frankly I don't know how they do.

Baby Wipe Warmer
So, if your little one is anything like mine he/she hates cold wipes on their bums. I have found that this wipe warmer keeps the wipes warm and they hold their moisture amazingly. It definitely makes diaper changes a little easier. You can find it on Amazon here

Baby Lounger
This baby lounger is perfect for laying your baby safely down while you grab a toy or take millions of pictures. You can find it on Amazon here.

Exercise Ball
This exercise ball helped me with speeding along labor and also worked great on those long nights with a fussy baby. The bouncing motion help soothe your little one. You can also find it on Amazon here.

Gripe Water

OMG. That is about all I can say about Gripe Water. Ryker will have a belly ache and I will give him some and he will immediately settle down. You can definitely find this at you local CVS for 9.99 or on Amazon here

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

DIY Boutique Travel Wipe Case

I know you have all seen those adorable diaper wipe cases that someone probably bought for 20 dollars at some boutique.
Like this one.

Well, I decided that I was going to make one myself. This entire project cost me under ten bucks (everything can be found at walmart) and it turned out pretty well for my first time.

Here's what you will need:

1 travel wipe case. (I used the huggies one)
1 Quilt batting.
1/2 yard of fabric. (This is more than plenty. I got extra just in case.)
1 package of ribbon or trim.
1 hot glue gun and 3-6 hot glue sticks.

I wasn't smart enough to take pictures of my progress because I was too excited, so I will just have to explain the process.

Step 1: Cut a piece of batting to fit your case. This helps to cover the the pop up dispenser hole and adds a 
            little padding to the top. I also did the same for the bottom, but if you don't want to spend the extra
            time that's okay.
Step 2: Glue the batting to your case. I would recommend doing a little at a time or you can do it all at once.
            Just make sure you do it quick so that the glue is still hot.
Step 3: Cut and glue your fabric. I cut a bigger piece than I needed, glued it to my case and then trimmed it.
            You want to make sure you leave enough fabric to cover to the middle of the sides. This does not 
             need to be perfect because you trim will cover the ends. Repeat with both sides.      
Step 4: My case has a piece of ribbon going from side to side at the bottom. Like the picture shown below.
            If you want this make sure you glue this first, also gluing to the middle of the sides.

Step 5: Glue your trim around the sides of your case. Covering the ends of the fabric and ribbon.

Now you are all done and can stuff your case with baby wipes and be a very stylish mommy (or daddy)

Here are the finished results of mine and I hope you had fun with this like I did.

The Reveal

After having our beautiful baby boy, we decided to announce our pregnancy and the birth of Ryker. How should we do it? Should we just call everyone, send out pictures? Then we decided the perfect way to announce to the world that we had just had our first child.


Within minutes of posting this picture, along with maternity photography and baby pictures, I had never had so many status and photo comments. 

I don't regret not telling extended family and friends immediately because baby Ryker showed up with a bang that few of my friends and family will be able to compete with. I will forever be able to tell my son how we were able to keep a secret for nine very long months and introduced him in a way no one will be soon to forget.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Discovery

My name is Jasmine and I am 21 years old as of June 28, 2011. I moved to Florida in April of 2011 and immediately jumped into work, selling kirby vacuums, door to door. I worked six days a week, Monday through Saturday, and I worked anywhere between 12 -18 hours a day. Crazy Right?

So, it was no surprise when I realized that I hadn't had a menstrual cycle in forever! I immediately went into denial, even though my mother was telling me daily that there was no way in hell I wasn't pregnant. Finally, she convinced me and I went to the doctor and HELLO! I'm pregnant. Not only did I find out I was pregnant, I found out I was pregnant ON my 21st birthday. Of course, I was so busy with moving, settling in and working 18 hours a day, that I probably didn't notice. It definitely was a shock and took some getting used to, but I did it and started going on a baby frenzy.

Within three weeks only my closest friend and my immediate family knew. We purposely wanted it that way because we wanted it to be a huge surprise. We started putting our nursery together and collecting baby clothes (our son has enough clothes to supply 30 children with complete wardrobes.) 
We had the baby shower in August.
Where I spent hours opening gifts.

We waited patiently for 5 more months to come and we passed the time with humor.
When finally I went into labor.

We weren't done yet, little did I know I had just a little bit longer. I started losing my mucus plug and was filling up a maxi pad within 3 hours. So, what do we do?  We go to the hospital! Well, we get there, they check me and then inform that I have lost my mucus plug (Already knew that >.<) They also tell me that I am not ready and for me to go home.

My mother and sister-in-law decide that they want this baby and they want it now. So they decided to kick start my labor and we do some walking around the block (hell) and some accupressure (hell) and some home remedies (hell). FINALLY, seven o'clock rolls around and I am having some pretty steady contractions. By 1 a.m I was ready to go and fast. So, we leave for the hospital and find out that I am 3 1/2 cm and they are admitting me! I cried for mommy, like most women, and just gritted my teeth until my epidural.

I finally got it at 4 1/2 cm and it was all a haze from there. 
I slept from 4 1/2 to 9 1/2!

The nurses woke me up at 5:20 am and told me to start pushing. I pushed for an hour and at 6:20 am I delivered healthy baby Ryker. He was born 6ibs 10oz and 21 1/2 in long!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Beginning

So, I have decided to start one of these crazy little things called a blog. Apparently they take over people's lives and feed off their souls. I don't know about all that stuff but I figured I would give it a try.

This is the story of my life as a mother of a baby boy. I'm a working mommy that is juggling work, a 3 month old baby and hopefully in a couple of months... SCHOOL!

I'm not going to promise to update daily or even weekly, but I will make an attempt to try to update at least every other week, if not more.I plan on giving you some insight on my daily life and provide great tips for parents.

So....go ahead subscribe to my awesome blog and if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to let me know.